Walk the Spirit Way and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For these two are in opposition to one another. The flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. Yahweh does not intend that we do whatever we want. Instead, we are to listen for Yahweh’s voice before we take each step. Whoever walks the Flesh Way will walk into destruction. Whoever walks the Spirit Way will walk into eternal life. Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work Yahweh has given you, and then sink yourself into that. When we walk in the Spirit Way our hearts are filled with love for Yahweh and love for others. So then, while we have opportunity let us do good to all people and especially those who walk the Spirit Way with us. And let us not lose heart in doing good, for at just the right time we will soar with eagles! …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Galatians 5:22-26. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
Do you hear Yahweh’s voice upon the singing wind? The heavens declare Yahweh’s glory. Day after day they pour forth speech. There is no tongue or language where his voice is not heard. Yahweh’s voice thunders over the mighty waters; it strikes with flashes of lightning; it shakes the desert; it calms the raging sea. Yes, there is still evil in this world, but Yahweh, Creator, has overcome evil. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed. We are struck down but not destroyed. Persecuted, but not abandoned. The wolves may tear our bodies to pieces but they cannot touch our souls. Victory is reachable! Yahweh is still writing our stories of life and loss, death and hope, and Yahweh is still in the business of turning what the enemy means for bad into something wonderful and good. Be still. Listen. Tune in to the sound of his voice. …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 29. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
Yesterday we talked about the need for rest. In “Streams in the Desert,” John Ruskin talks about the music of heaven and how our lives are a part of Yahweh’s song. He calls it the melody of our life and explains that the music is separated here and there by rests. “During those rests,” Ruskin says, “we foolishly believe we have come to the end of the song.” Yahweh often forces these times of rest through sickness, disappointed plans, and frustrated efforts. Perhaps it’s because of being Native American, but I truly grieve when the drum beat of heaven falls silent, especially when it is a sudden and unexpected pause. Yet how my heart sings when the silence is broken at just the right time by a skillful flute player. It is then I am assured that the rest is part of the making of the music. The pause sets everything in place for the next note. In times like these it is good to remember that Yahweh does not write the music of our lives without a plan, and the rest is part of that wondrous plan.” …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Joshua Psalm 91. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
Painting by Howard Terpning
I have discovered that when thick clouds veil the sun, it’s a good time to stop and wait for the blast of sunlight that will soon pour through a break in the clouds. It is then that you will hear the echo of Yahweh’s voice as your fingers cling to the rock for support. Let the hot wind of his breath fall over you and breathe courage into your soul. Close your eyes and allow the strengthening quivers to flow through muscle and tendon. With each pulse you will feel stronger, until at last you will stand as determined and full of faith as the shepherd boy, David, who was armed with nothing more than a slingshot and five small arrows. While you are waiting for this break in the storm, take time to rest, my child, for this rest is part of his plan. …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Joshua 1:7-9. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
Are you staring at a darkness so deep that you fear to take a step forward? “Be strong!” your Captain and Chief calls. “Be of good courage.” This is a time to grit your teeth and steady your heart, to slow it to the beat of a sleeping man. You can only do this by calling on Yahweh to give you peace, to give you strength. You stare into a wall of darkness where you must soon tread. There is no light to illuminate the path, nothing to mark the treacherous boundaries you know exist. One wrong step and all is lost. Discouragement slashes its sharp edge into your heart.
“Have I not commanded you?” Yahweh’s voice calls out. “Be strong!” It does not matter how weak you feel, or how foolish, your Captain and Chief has gone before; he knows the way. Listen for the echo of His voice as he leads you, not around this valley of darkness, but directly through it, like an arrow flying straight and true. …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Joshua 1:1-6. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
Perhaps you are wondering why this old Indian is so big on the Sacred Writings? It is because I lived many years loving Yahweh but never quite understanding the concept of salvation. I would climb Cheelaqsdi, the Sacred Mountain where we did our vision quests. I would meet with Yahweh, the living God, in that place where thousands upon thousands of angels were in joyful assembly. But then I would climb down the mountain and face the journey in my own strength. It was as if since I’m Native American, I just kept Yahweh upon the Sacred Mountain, only calling for him in times of crisis. While in my babe-in-Christ mode, he covered me, but he expects us to get off the milk sop and mature. In my case, it took quite a few years, but finally, through reading the Sacred Writings, I began to grow stronger and kept Yahweh with me, not just upon the Sacred Mountain, but also down in the valley where I took my day-by-day steps. …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Romans 8:12-17 Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
Do you feel as if the ravenous wolves of worry and doubt are surrounding you once again? Seek Yahweh with all your strength, hide his word in your heart. This poor old Indian cried and Yahweh heard him. He delivered me out of all my troubles. Yahweh helped me. He brought me out of a deep pit, one I had dug myself, and he set my feet on solid rock. Then the wolves came and pushed me back until I was about to fall back into that pit, but once again I called out to Yahweh and he helped me. Never give up calling on the Name of Yahweh. He is my strength and defense. In him, I am like a young lion ready to knock out the howling wolves with one swipe. Shouts of joy and victory resound once again in the teepees of the righteous! …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Romans 13:11-14 pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
Our mission here on earth is also one which we share with the rest of the human race, but it is no less your individual mission, even though it is shared. The mission is this: to do what you can moment by moment, day by day, step by step to make the world a better place…following the leading and guidance of Yahweh’s Spirit within you and around you. At some point in our lives our mission may involve some grand mountain top experience where we catch a glimpse of Yahweh’s face and say to ourselves, “This is why I came into the world. I know it! I know it!” But until that point our mission is here in the valley, in the fog and the little callings moment by moment, day by day. Our mission is to first exercise our stewardship faithfully, to bring more gratitude, kindness, forgiveness, honesty and life into the world, each day. …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Romans 13:8-10 Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
Yahweh has always kept a remnant for himself, a small group of people who remain true to him after everyone else turns away. In the Sacred Writings Jacob’s offspring is often pictured in this way. The prophecies also fit well with our people. There will come a day when we will no longer rely on those who struck us down but will truly rely on Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel. He is doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it? It springs up like streams in the desert as he cuts a path through the wasteland. We are his people, his chosen, the people he formed for himself that we may proclaim his praise. Apart from him there is no Savior. From ancient days he has revealed and saved and proclaimed. He is Yahweh, our Holy One, our Creator, our King! He will lead us each step of the way. Whether lofty mountain tops, barren wastelands, or foggy valleys, he has gone before and left a way for us to follow. Take courage, traveler, your times are in his mighty hand. …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 23. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
We imagine in the grandness of putting our hand in Yahweh’s that we will be taken to the mountain top to see far into the distance. And we hear a voice saying, “Look! Look! See that distant city? That is the goal of your mission. That is where everything is leading, every step of your way.” But, instead of the mountain top we find ourselves in the valley…wandering in a fog. And The Voice in our ear says something quite different from what we thought. It says, “Your mission is to take one step at a time, even when you don’t yet see where it all is leading or what the grand plan is, or what your overall mission in life is. Trust Me. I will lead you.” …Eagle People …. Today’s reading is Hebrews 12:1-3. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”