February 16

February 16 In today’s Eagle People reading, Yahweh tells us about a man who had two sons. One stayed home and was obedient and faithful to his father while the youngest took his share of his father’s estate and went off and squandered it. But, one day, he came to his senses. Have you experienced a day like that in your life? Where you came to your senses? Where you realized that you were wallowing with the pigs?

I know this life. I once walked the way of deep sorrow. Then I came to my senses and began calling out to Yahweh. Day after day, I called out to Yahweh and never gave up. I walked the land and holy ground below the Sacred Mountain and called his name. I cried. I pleaded. And finally, he heard my cry and I began to crawl down the way of faithfulness, a broken, battered Vietnam vet, but moving forward in the love of Yahweh.

Walk on, dear child, crawl on! Slowly though it may be. Yahweh does not stay up on the Sacred Mountain. He is very near. He hears your cry for mercy.

Eagle People…Today’s reading is Luke 15:11-32. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Wiconi Powwow, 2008)

February 15

February 15 Yahweh’s love endures forever, and he does not abandon the works of his hands. He knows our frame that we are but dust; he knows what thoughts dwell inside each of us; how far short our thoughts fall of his holiness. Yahweh is exalted far beyond the stars, beyond The Bear and The Cub, yet he looks kindly on the lowly. He knows your frame is but dust, yet even in your weakness his strength is made perfect. Let us dance and sing of the ways of Yahweh for his glory is very great. His faithfulness never ceases. Yahweh. Yahweh. Yahweh.

Eagle People…Today’s reading is Psalm 138. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo: ESA/Hubble)

February 14

February 14 Sometimes the path seems long, too long, as we make our way toward the Sacred Mountain, and we may grow weary and give up if it weren’t for the fact that Yahweh is the One who leads us, and Yahweh is our Father who loves us more than anyone else ever can. That is an eternal truth that the oldest and youngest believer, alike, may grasp, and once we do, then we can rest, even while crossing through the churning waters, in the faith that He will lead us safely to the goal.

Arthur Christopher Bacon says it well, “I still believe that a day of understanding will come for each of us, however far away it may be. We will understand as we see the tragedies that today darken and dampen the presence of heaven for us take their proper place in God’s great plan—a plan so overwhelming, magnificent, and joyful, we will laugh with wonder and delight.”

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Matthew 6:25-34. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo: Golden pathway from www.tumblr.com)

February 13

February 13 Be careful, child, that no one entices you with the object of your dreams, for the promise of power may turn you aside from walking in beauty. Seek Yahweh before all else. Let him be the object of your dreams.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is 1 John 5:21. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo credit: Smithsonian Institution / Foter)

February 12

February 12 If one lives long enough they will see the shifting shadows that darken Yahweh’s smile. Often we put those shadows there by not taking God at his word. We keep asking for life’s difficulties to be taken away when he has promised us enough grace to keep moving forward. Like the Israelites of ancient days, we get distracted and run in circles waiting for the barriers to be removed.

It is in these times that we must keep moving forward as if there are no obstacles at all. For it is when we step into the rushing waters that he cuts off the flow and makes a way for us to cross on dry ground. Yes. If one lives long enough they will see the shifting shadows that darken Yahweh’s smile, but they will also see the light of life that sprouts out of those dark places.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is 1 Peter 4:1-11. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo resource unknown)

February 11

February 11 Be alert! Dear child, we have a very real enemy who prowls around seeking opportunity to devour us. He comes to rob, steal, kill and destroy. Sometimes he’s after our dreams. Sometimes it’s our faith. Sometimes it’s our very lives. Always it begins in the heart.

This is a time to exercise true spiritual energy. First we choose to believe that Yahweh is in control and that his ways are always good. This is what we call faith. Next we abide in his love through the power of his Holy Spirit and remember that he is greater than our hearts. These actions will help us remain steadfast and courageous in our walk with him when the ravenous wolves of worry and doubt threaten to undo us.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is 1 Peter 5:6-11. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo from www.freely.com)

February 10

February 10 Aaron flute There is a time when we must confess our betrayal—telling the truth to the One who already knows it all. This is the act of our betrayal—the thoughts that are less than pleasing to Yahweh; the actions that speak of an attachment to evil; the unlove that invades our souls; the lack of faith with which we betray ourselves.

Though Yahweh knows our every thought before we think it, there is a healing that happens through our confession. And though we may expect rightfully earned condemnation, Yahweh gives us love instead. Get close to the earth, sit still, and wait, until you are aware of the washing of the Holy Spirit spreading throughout your body, quickening the deadest members and rebirthing hope. Let this awareness swell up inside of you until it bubbles over in waves of joy.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 139:7-10. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Aaron Gentry at Arrows of Faith meeting, Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)

February 9

February 9 Child, do you know how important it is to take time each day to be still before Yahweh? Pray. Read the Sacred Scriptures, and then close your eyes and let him work the healing process. Offer every part of your body to the One who breathed life into your lungs.

There is a place for man’s medicine, but the soul of you needs much more. Feel his life-giving breath trickling into your fingers and toes, then back out again, running up your arms and legs, crossing through your loins and chest and coming to rest in your bruised and battered heart. No drug can match the wonder of this healing caress. No heat can match its soothing breath. He is your Creator and Father, and he loves you more than any human ever can.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 139:1-6. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo from www.socialgreetings.net)

February 8

february 8 Dear child, have you considered how great is Yahweh? He is beyond our understanding, yet closer than a blood brother. He calls us by our secret name that only He knows. Yahweh has journeyed to the springs of the sea and walked in the recesses of the deep. He is the One who bound the beautiful Pleiades and loosed the cords of Orion. He brought forth the constellations in their seasons and led out the Bear with its cubs. Amazing love. Amazing Creator. Who am I, oh Yahweh, that you would pay mind of me? Yahweh. Yahweh. Yahweh.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Colossians 2:20-23. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Tommy Eliassen/Barcroft Media)

A green and blue aurora is seen in the night sky over Flostrand in Nordland, Norway

February 7

February 7 Do you find yourself in a world of gray asphalt and concrete, where people come and go without notice of the scent of green on the wind? Neither do they take heed of the gift of warmth from the sun that pierces through the clouded sky?

Stop! Take a moment to see Yahweh in the unexpected places. Take time to remember the One who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb. Yahweh said, “This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt.” Take heart, child, the One who commands the waves is able to keep you in his mighty hand. When you focus on him, the world of gray disappears.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Colossians 2:6-10. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo resource unknown)