February 21

February 21 Does the way still seem dark, child? Perhaps it is even more frightening than before. It is hard to see now, but there is still a future and a hope. It will come to you in good time, though it does not seem like it now. Yahweh will anoint you with the oil of joy instead of mourning. He will save you from the fowler’s snare

I know the beast of sorrow seems enormous and overpowering, but the beast has already been defeated. Already your Redeemer is on his way. Still it is okay to weep, to mourn for your loss. Jesus, too, wept and he still grieves over the loss of his children. You are his beloved child. He will not let you go. There is no dark place, no deep shadow that is so dark that Yahweh’s light cannot fill it.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Isaiah 61:4-7. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo ESA/Hubble)

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