Dear child, if Creator Yahweh stood before you right now, would you tremble? Or would you celebrate? If you would celebrate, then celebrate n
ow! Dance your prayers before him. Lift up your voice in praise! Honor him with your song.
But if you would tremble, then tremble now. Confess the darkness of the recesses of your heart. Put to death, whatever belongs to the old nature…any of those practices that Yahweh would not choose to bless. Kill the evil desire lurking in your members…those animal impulses and appetites. Don’t allow any lustful thing to stay long in front of your eyes. Get rid of anger, rage, and bad feelings toward others. Put away and rid yourself of foulmouthed abuse, filthy language and shameful utterances from your lips. Get rid of greed and evil desires which lead you into idolatry. Do not lie to anyone. You used to walk in these ways, when you were living in and were addicted to such practices but do so no longer.
Be known for speaking truth and encouragement. Be a person of joy! Practice kindness. You have taken off the old self and started walking the Spirit Way. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, leave behind those old practices that held you in chains. Do not run in circles but walk steadily forward, one step at a time, following Yahweh who has gone before. Then, when you see him you will no longer tremble in fear. Your soul will soar like an eagle in celebration of the great love of Yahweh!
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Colossians 3:5-11. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Justin Kelefas at Thank you Justin for the use of a great photo! We love your work. Check it out at: