December 28, 2015

December 28 water small Do not forget warriors, that Creator Yahweh has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. Even the angels praise his name, the mighty ones who do his bidding and obey his every word. All the heavenly hosts, all the spiritual beings in all worlds, all who honor his commands also praise his holy name.

How can we do less? We who are formed in his image, created by his own hands and who carry his breath of life. Praise Creator Yahweh, O my soul! Our Great Chief and Captain is very great! He is clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the poles of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.

Listen very carefully, warriors, he may talk with you in a vision, in a dream in the late hours of night. He may whisper in your ear as you climb the Sacred Mountain. His words my clench your soul as your read the Sacred Writings. Give ear to his words, heed his commands, and find life and rest for your weary soul.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 103:19-104:1-4. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Aaron Gentry at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.

December 27, 2015

December 27 water Do not be discouraged warriors. As a loving father has compassion on his children, so Creator Yahweh has compassion on those who honor and respect him; for he knows how we are formed. He remembers that we are but dust. Before even one of our days came to be, he knew every mistake we would ever make. Yet he called us by name to be his children forevermore. All we need do is acknowledge him and respond in love.

Our days here on earth are like the grass, like a flower of the field. The wind blows over it and it is gone, and it is remembered no more. Not so with Creator Yahweh! He is from everlasting to everlasting and his love endures forevermore. His righteousness stays with us and with our children’s children—with all warriors who keep his covenant and remember to love him and obey his commands. And his commands are simple, warriors, to love him and love others.

If we love Creator Yahweh and love our brothers and sisters, then we will do well and walk in Beauty all the days of our lives here on earth. And then his Spirit will raise us to live with him forevermore.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 103:13-18: Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.

December 26, 2015

December 26 water small Warriors let us give glory to our Great Chief and Captain. Let us praise the Holy name of Creator Yahweh and let us not forget his benefits. He forgives all our wrongdoing and heals our diseases; he redeems our lives from the pit and crowns us with love and compassion; and he satisfies our desires with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Creator Yahweh works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. Wait for it. It will come and it will not be a day late. Creator Yahweh is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. He will not always accuse nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our wrongdoing deserves, nor does he repay us according to our evil ways. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those warriors who fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our guilt from us.

Let us give respect and honor to this ONE above all others. May our lives be poured out in service to our Great Chief and Captain.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 103:1-12. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.

December 25, 2015

December 25 water small Many years ago, in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ, Creator Yahweh.

Through him we receive salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us. This Savior is raised up to show mercy to our fathers, to remember his holy covenant with the ancient ones, and fulfill the oath he swore so long ago. He will rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and enable us to serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all our days. If we let him, he will guide our feet into the path of peace.

This is a call for rejoicing warriors! Raise your voices! Strike the drum! Dance before him with all your might. Do not be afraid. This is good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today is the day of salvation.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Luke 1:67-2:1-14. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.

December 24, 2015

December 24 water Creator Yahweh was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of Our Great Chief and Captain—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of Creator Yahweh

The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us. Some have seen his glory, the glory of the One and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. These are the ones who proclaim that the Life appeared! The Eternal Life, which was with the Father and has appeared on Earth. When we open our Hearts to Creator Yahweh we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Yeshua cleanses us from all sins.

Creator Yahweh is Light. In him there is no darkness at all.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is John 1:10-14 & 1 John 1:1-5. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.

December 22, 2015

December 22 water To our Great Chief and Captain, the King Eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever!

Let us give thanks to Creator Yahweh who has granted us strength and empowered us to walk the Beauty Way. Yes, there are times we do wrong. Yes, there are times we think wrong thoughts. But Jesus Yeshua has already judged and counted us faithful and trustworthy simply because we have placed our faith in him.

Warriors, we obtain mercy from Creator Yahweh. This is because when we walked the old way of rebellion we did so out of ignorance and unbelief. Now, when we do or think wrongly, Spirit power reminds us to let go of our rebellion. Once we let go of the old way of thinking, the grace of our Great Chief and Captain, and his abundant faith and love flows out on us beyond measure.

Dive into the clean water of Creator Yahweh and be restored and renewed. Let us hold fast to this amazing truth!

Eagle People … Today’s reading is 1 Timothy 1:14-17. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.

December 20, 2015

December 20 water Remember warriors that Creator Yahweh, Maker of heaven and earth, our awesome Great Chief and Captain, keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands. He does not faint or sleep. His eyes are always open, and his ears ready to listen to the prayers of his servants as we offer up prayers day and night.

If we are unfaithful to him, refusing to obey his commands and failing to exalt his name, then we bring dishonor to ourselves and our people and he will scatter us among the nations. And rightly so! Because he is our Maker. But if we return to him with our whole hearts and make it our goal to obey his commands, then even if we are exiled to the ends of the hearth, he will gather us beneath his great wings into a dwelling he has chosen.

We are his servants and his chosen people. He has redeemed us by his great strength and saved us with his mighty hand. Some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but let us trust in the faithfulness of our Creator!

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Nehemiah 1. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.

December 19, 2015

December 11 water small Warriors, shout for joy to Creator Yahweh, the creator of all things in heaven and on earth. Sing the glory of his name. Dance before him in glorious praise. How awesome are his deeds! How great is his power. He gave life to all living things. He created us unique and beautiful in his sight.

Look back and see. Remember the things he has done. He has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. He has tested us; and refined us like silver.

We have been through fire and water yet he has brought us to a spacious place where we can know him as our Great Chief and Captain.
This is the One we serve. Cry out to him with your whole heart. He will not withhold his great love.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 66. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Frank Summers at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.

December 18, 2015

December 18 water Test everything warriors! Avoid every kind of evil. Shrink from it. Stay away from it in whatever form or kind it may appear. Flee from evil situations. Cling to what is good. This is the way of walking in Beauty by approving what is good and lovely and just.

May Creator Yahweh himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Great Chief and Captain. The One who called you is the same one who paid the price for all your wrong doing. He is faithful. He will keep you blameless.

This is cause for rejoicing warriors! Through Spirit power we are lifted on eagle wings above the circumstances of this world. Keep your eyes on the goal and your feet on the Beauty Way.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is 1 Thessalonians 5:21-28. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Ralph Medina at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.

December 17, 2015

December 17 water Warriors, let us not forget that we are Spirit people! We have always walked with one foot in the spiritual realm. Let us continue to do so. Let it not be said of us that we quench or suppress Spirit power. Let us not put out the Spirit’s fire!

Do not our elders still dream dreams? Do not our young people have visions? Let us listen carefully and not despise or scoff at their prophetic revelations, but instead, let us test and prove all things. Let us ask for wisdom from Creator Yahweh until we can recognize what is good and hold fast to it.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Ralph Medina at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.