January 21, 2017

Warriors, do you feel as if the ravenous wolves of worry and doubt are surrounding you once again? Seek Creator Yahweh with all your strength, hide his word in your heart. This poor old Indian cried and Creator Yahweh heard him. He delivered me out of all my troubles. My Great Chief and Captain helped me. He brought me out of a deep pit, one I had dug myself, and he set my feet on solid rock.

Then the wolves came and pushed me back until I was about to fall back into that pit, but once again I called out to Creator Yahweh and he helped me. Never give up calling on the Name of Creator Yahweh. He is my strength and defense. In him, I am like a young lion ready to knock out the howling wolves with one swipe. Shouts of joy and victory resound once again in the teepees of the righteous!

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Romans 13:11-14. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Wiconi Powwow, 2014)

January 20, 2017

Warriors, our mission here on earth is also one that we share with the rest of the human race, but it is no less your individual mission, even though it is shared. The mission is this: to do what you can moment by moment, day by day, step by step to make the world a better place…following the leading and guidance of Creator Yahweh’s Spirit within you and around you.

At some point in our lives our mission may involve some grand mountaintop experience where we catch a glimpse of Creator Yahweh’s face and say to ourselves, “This is why I came into the world. I know it! I know it!”

But until that point our mission is here in the valley, in the fog and the little callings moment by moment, day by day. Our mission is to first exercise our stewardship faithfully, to bring more gratitude, kindness, forgiveness, honesty and life into the world, each day.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Romans 13:8-10. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at the Restoration Powwow, Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)

January 19, 2017

Creator Yahweh has always kept a remnant for himself, a small group of people who remain true to him after everyone else turns away. In the Sacred Writings Jacob’s offspring is often pictured in this way. The prophecies also fit well with our people. There will come a day when we will no longer rely on those who struck us down but will truly rely on Creator Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel.

Our Great Chief and Captain is doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it? It springs up like streams in the desert as he cuts a path through the wasteland. We are his people, his chosen, the people he formed for himself that we may proclaim his praise.

Apart from him there is no Savior. From ancient days he has revealed and saved and proclaimed. He is Creator Yahweh, our Holy One, our Creator, our King! He will lead us each step of the way. Whether lofty mountaintops, barren wastelands, or foggy valleys, he has gone before and left a way for us to follow. Take courage, warriors, your times are in his mighty hand.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 23. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at the Restoration Powwow, Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)

January 18, 2017

Warriors, we imagine in the grandness of putting our hand in Creator Yahweh’s that we will be taken to the mountaintop to see far into the distance. And we hear a voice saying, “Look! Look! See that distant city? That is the goal of your mission. That is where everything is leading, every step of your way.”

So we head out, but instead of the mountaintop we find ourselves in the valley…wandering in a fog. And The Voice in our ear says something quite different from what we thought. Your mission, warriors, is to take one step at a time, even when you don’t yet see where it all is leading or what the grand plan is, or what your overall mission in life is. Trust Creator Yahweh. He will lead you.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Hebrews 12:1-3. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Aaron Gentry at the Holy Ghost Native American Conference in Sacramento, California, 2013)

January 17, 2017

Yesterday we talked about eagle people. One of the ways we can truly let our spirits soar to the heights is to be in the Sacred Writings day by day. It may be good to have a special place for this. Our grandfathers liked to get close to the earth. This old man prefers his easy chair.

Once you are in your special place and before reading, settle your spirit and rest. Quiet your heart. Ask Creator Yahweh to speak to you. Then read his words.

Creator Yahweh’s Word is living. It will speak truth to your heart. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask, my wife and her friends are women and men of the Word. They will help you to better understand how to apply Creator Yahweh’s words to your daily life. Together, we can help each other to soar above the circumstances that try to crush our souls. Let us yearn for Creator Yahweh’s words more than warm fry bread.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is John 16:31-33. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at the Restoration Powwow, Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)

January 16, 2017

Do not forget, warriors, Creator Yahweh seeks “eagle people,” people who learn to walk alone with him; people who no longer depend on the continual help and faith of others. This is what I have learned from Lettie Cowman, the author of Streams in the Desert.

Relationship is necessary; inspiration is necessary; the wisdom of others is necessary; assistance is often necessary. We must not completely isolate ourselves from our brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles, and elders, but our souls yearn to be alone with Creator Yahweh. We must trust him in times of isolation, even seek those times when we soar alone with him. It is in these alone times that our Great Chief and Captain does a new work within our souls and we learn to soar in loftier air.

Vision quests are about being alone. They are times we set aside the regular cares of this world and seek an audience with Creator Yahweh, but eagle people need more. Eagle people dare to find times alone where they can hear his whisper in the midst of daily life.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 37:14-40. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Restoration Powwow, Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)

January 14, 2017

Warriors, have you strayed from the Faithful Way? It is never too late to return to the path Creator Yahweh has set before you. When I was young, I too, strayed off the path of Creator Yahweh’s commands, and my soul became weary with sorrow. My face was pressed low in the dust until my soul was consumed with longing for my Great Chief and Captain’s face.

Now I run in the path of Creator Yahweh’s commands, for he has broadened my understanding and has caused me to walk his way. I meditate on his Sacred Writings and allow his words to strengthen and delight my innermost being.

It is never too late. Choose the Faithful Way, set your heart on Creator Yahweh’s commands, hold fast to your Captain and Chief. By returning to the path of Creator Yahweh’s commands, you will not be put to shame.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 34. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Jacob Travizo at Wiconi Powwow 2009)

January 13, 2017

Warriors, give thanks to Creator Yahweh! He is good. Everything about him is good. He opens up the gates to his village and calls out, “Come in!” All who are tired and weary, all who feel like dust beneath a thundering herd of buffalo, all whose strength has failed them. Come in! Buy without money. Drink till you are no longer thirsty. Eat the harvest of his hands.

Can you believe it? Creator Yahweh rises to show you compassion. His love is endless. It never quits. It stretches beyond the birthplace of the stars and is not hemmed in by the counting of minutes. It is a warm blanket wrapped around you at all times. Give thanks to Creator Yahweh for he is good, his love endures forever.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 33. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Cobby Shadley

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Cobby Shadley at the Holy Ghost Native American Conference in Sacramento, California, 2013)

January 12, 2017

Warrior, is your back pressed hard against cold stone? Cry out to Creator Yahweh! Because he loves you, his ear is tuned to your voice. He will bring you to a spacious place, the place where antelope run and eagles soar, where rivers sing and the sweet fragrance of his breath blows across the fields.

Creator Yahweh is with you. There is no reason to be afraid. What harm can mere mortals do when our Great Chief and Captain carries your soul in a safe place?

Place your life in his hands, Creator Yahweh is your champion. If you continue to walk with him, there will come a day when you will look in triumph on your enemies. Every arrow will find its mark and Creator Yahweh’s strength will be your defense. Shouts of joy and victory will resound in the tents of Creator Yahweh’s people!

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 31. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Holy Ghost Native American Conference, Sacramento, California, 2013)

August 5 copy Warriors, have you noticed the birds of the air? Eagle soars on the heights becoming one with the wind. The storms of life do not bother him. Osprey flies thousands of miles at just the right time, knowing full well his needs will be met. Hawk does not reap or sow or gather into barns; he hunts for food that he knows will be there. You, who are made in the image of Creator Yahweh, are more valuable than Eagle and Osprey and Hawk, though they are valuable as well.

Creator Yahweh is very much in touch with his creation. He will care for you. He watches when the doe bears her fawn. He counts the months till she gives birth. Her young thrive and grow strong in the wilds.

Creator Yahweh also sees your deepest need. He knows the empty spaces of your heart. So do everything you can to stop being anxious, because your worry cannot add one day to your life. Sing and dance your prayers to him and thank him that he cares for you.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Matthew 6:25-27 & Job 39:1-4. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart)

Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley, 2014-2015) available here: http://amzn.to/2909tjk