Warriors, if we accept the words of Creator Yahweh and hide his commands as treasure in the deepest part of our hearts, turning our ears to wisdom and making it our goal to gain understanding; if we raise our voices and call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if we search for wisdom as we would for silver and search for it as though it were a hidden treasure, then we will understand what it means to maintain reverence to our Great Chief and Captain, and we will discover knowledge of the ONE who created us.
This knowledge will protect us from our enemy, that evil trickster, and will guard our hearts when we are weak.
This is the wisdom that comes through Holy Spirit Power. When we called out on Creator Yahweh for deliverance this power was placed in our hearts. This power is in us, warriors, waiting to be released. Let us make it our goal to serve our Great Chief and Captain to the end of our days.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Proverbs 1:1-5. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Ghostdancer Shadley)
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