Yesterday we talked about eagle people. One of the ways we can truly let our spirits soar to the heights is to be in the Sacred Writings day by day. To help with that, I will be giving a scripture … Continue reading
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Yahweh seeks “eagle people,” people who learn to walk alone with him; people who no longer depend on the continual help and faith of others. This is what I have learned from Lettie Cowman, the author of Streams in the … Continue reading
Are you walking the way of beauty? Thank Yahweh for the courage to do so. He who set the stars in place, He who created us in his image, gives good gifts to all. Praise him for his amazing gift … Continue reading
Have you strayed from the Faithful Way? It is never too late to return to the path Yahweh has set before you. When I was young, I too, strayed off the path of Yahweh’s commands and my soul became weary … Continue reading
Give thanks to Yahweh! He is good. Everything about him is good. He opens up the gates to his village and calls out, “Come in!” All who are tired and weary, all who feel like dust beneath a thundering herd … Continue reading
Is your back pressed hard against cold stone? Cry out to Yahweh! Because he loves you, his ear is tuned to your voice. He will bring you to a spacious place, the place where antelope run and eagles soar, where … Continue reading
Sometimes it is hard for this old man to keep one moccasin moving in front of the other. It is then I call out to Yahweh to shed new light on his path that I may follow it to the … Continue reading
In the morning let Yahweh hear your voice. As the morning stars sing together, wait expectantly before him. As sunlight spills over the eastern sky, bow before his presence. Lay your requests before him. Take refuge in him and he … Continue reading
Have you come to the waters, deep and wide, that will not let you cross? Take heart, child. Yahweh will part the waters at the perfect time. Do not rush ahead or try to go around. This is a time … Continue reading
Are you discouraged and weary? Does the act of scaling the utmost height seem far out of your grasp? Consider this old man who keeps one moccasin plodding in front of the other. This journey, though now it seems impossibly … Continue reading