If I rise on the wings of the morning and touch Creator Yahweh with my prayer, He is there. If I settle on the far side of the sea far from the land of my grandfathers, He is there. If … Continue reading
Ghostdancer Shadley
Warriors, there is much to be said in Creator Yahweh’s behalf. He has searched our hearts and considered our every thought. He knows when we sit beside still waters with bowed heads and when we soar on the heights with … Continue reading
Warriors equip yourself for every good work by continuing to hold to the good things you have learned from the Sacred Writings. In this way you will gain the instruction and understanding needed to grow your faith. This faith will … Continue reading
Be careful warriors. Don’t be as one who will listen to anybody who will teach you. Pick your teachers wisely, making sure what they are teaching is in line with the Sacred Writings. Many speak with partial truth, even our … Continue reading
Know this! In the last days there will come great stress and trouble that will be most difficult to bear. People will no longer look at how they can love one another, but will be more concerned about how to … Continue reading
Be careful warriors. Shut your mind firm against anything to do with stupid controversies over ignorant questionings. These types of conversations only foster strife and breed quarrels. Strong warriors do not waste time on such contentious quarrels. Instead, we must … Continue reading
Warriors, speak the truth regarding Creator Yahweh. This truth is found in the Sacred Writings. Light the sage and cleanse yourself from whatever is unclean and separate yourself from contact with anything that will take you away from the truth … Continue reading
Be careful warriors what words come out of your mouth. Avoid tearing down each other, for it only tears down yourself when you do these things. Such talk undermines the faith of your brothers and sisters and causes them to … Continue reading
Stand your ground warriors! If we endure like good dog soldiers fighting to the end for our people, then we shall also reign with our Great Chief and Captain. But if we listen to the lies of our enemy, that … Continue reading
It is time warriors. Climb the Sacred Mountain, whether in Spirit or in the physical and catch a glimpse of The Beautiful One’s face. Be strengthened in the grace that is only found in Jesus Yeshua. We all endure hardships … Continue reading