Can you raise your voice to the clouds and cover yourself with a flood of Water? Do you send the lightning bolts on their way? Do you have the wisdom to count the clouds and can you tip over the … Continue reading
Ghostdancer Shadley
Light the sage and come before Creator Yahweh with your requests. If you are walking in Holy Spirit power your requests will be in line with his desires for you. Keep on asking and you will receive. Keep on seeking … Continue reading
Keep on the path of walking in Beauty! Strive above all to bring Creator’s beauty into this world through loving him and loving others. By doing this you will receive everything you need and much more. Do not even consider … Continue reading
Warriors, do not worry about how you will clothe yourself, or what you will eat or drink. Everyone who does not believe in Creator Yahweh worries about these things. But you know that Creator Yahweh clothes the flowers with glorious … Continue reading
Warriors, have you noticed the birds of the air? Eagle soars on the heights becoming one with the wind. The storms of life do not bother him. Osprey flies thousands of miles at just the right time, knowing full well … Continue reading
Know this, warriors, your heart will tell you where your treasure is. It is where your mind strays when you are all alone. Most often it will stray to the things you’ve seen with your eyes. The eye is the … Continue reading
Warriors, do not put so much stock on earthly treasure. Do not fight over land or money or bloodlines. These things will all pass away. We have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Yeshua. We belong … Continue reading
Beat the drum and lift up praise to Creator Yahweh. He is our Rock and firm Strength. He teaches our hands to war and our fingers to fight all things that are evil. He is our Steadfast Love, our Fortress, … Continue reading
Creator Yahweh’s thoughts hold all things together. They outnumber the grains of all the world’s sand. If he stopped thinking of you for one moment you would cease to exist. This is our Creator, the One who is aware of … Continue reading
Listen up warriors at the wonder of your birth! Creator Yahweh saw you when you were yet an unformed substance, hidden in the secret place. It was there in that region of darkness and mystery that he intricately embroidered the … Continue reading