Lift up your voices warriors. Let us cry out to our Great Chief and Captain! He will rebuke those who have come against us without cause. He will restore the broken walls. Beneath his great wings, He will gather all … Continue reading
Ghostdancer Shadley
Let us rejoice in following the statues and decrees of our Great Chief and Captain. For in these decrees is true freedom. Our enemy, that evil trickster, has sold us a lie, telling us we will be happier living a … Continue reading
Warriors, let us walk in a way that is blameless, not giving anyone a reason to accuse us of doing disservice to our Great Chief and Captain. Let us seek Him with all our heart as we walk in His … Continue reading
Warriors, it is good to remember that Creator Yahweh esteems the one who is humble and broken in spirit; the one who trembles at His Sacred Word. His hand created all things and by His Word they came into being, … Continue reading
Warriors, since we are looking forward to a rich inheritance in a land free of fences; where peace will flow like a river and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; let us make every effort to be found … Continue reading
The day is coming warriors, when the heavens will disappear with a roar! The earth and everything in it will be burned up and laid bare. On that day our Great Chief and Captain will appear in the heavens with … Continue reading
Take hope warriors! Creator Yahweh is preparing a place for us. It will be a place of peace and safety where He will wipe away every tear from our eyes. There will be no sickness there, no hate, no shadow … Continue reading
Warriors, be careful of teachers who mouth empty, boastful words about things that entice you to walk the error way. These teachers are like springs without water and mists driven by a storm. No one will ever drink and be … Continue reading
Warriors, it is good for us to remind each other of the Sacred Writings. The ancients who followed closely with Jesus Yeshua did not invent clever stories to mislead us. No! They passed down the truth from those who walked … Continue reading
Warriors, let us make every effort to guard our faith in Creator Yahweh. Then let us add to our faith “goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, … Continue reading