Wisdom calls aloud in the streets, she raises her voice among the elders, and in the councils she makes her voice heard. There is ONE who is above us. One who created all things seen and unseen. This ONE is our Great Chief and Captain. If he rebukes us because we have strayed from walking the good way, then it is good for us to listen and obey his voice. Whoever does not listen will be swept away in a whirlwind of distress and trouble.
Creator Yahweh stands ready to pour out his heart of love over us and offers to make his thoughts known to us. This is wisdom, to listen and obey the voice of Creator Yahweh. It may come as a whisper in the night or as a shout from the mountains. Whoever listens will be at ease, without fear of harm.
Yes. We will still have trouble in this world, but Jesus Yeshua will walk with us through the trouble and it will not sweep us away.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Proverbs 1:20-33. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Don Gentry at Native American Conference at The Mission, Vacaville, CA 2015)
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