There are many voices, warriors. Be careful which ones your ears take in. I’ve heard it said that we Natives should not believe in Jesus Yeshua, because in so doing we will give the white man the satisfaction of thinking he has won. This same voice cautions to not allow our children to be absorbed in religions. I have much to say about this, but I will keep my words few.
First of all, to think that Jesus Yeshua belongs to the white man is in error. Read the Sacred Writings. You will see this is no white man’s God. This is Yahweh, Creator, the One we have been worshipping all along. Don’t allow the wrong doing of any man or woman keep you from the truth. Creator Yahweh has given us his words, which are rich to live by and good for correction. Sit close to the earth and absorb his words into your soul.
My people are fully Native and fully Christian, but do not confuse that with white traditions. We use our regalia, language, dancing, and customs in our worship of Creator, and in doing so, we have felt Creator Yahweh’s pleasure. These practices are bringing much honor to our people and restoring our dignity.
We welcome our white friends to worship with us, not in a contest of who will win or lose, but as members of one Tribe, many nations coming together. Eagle People … Today’s reading is Galatians 3:23-29. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo of Ed LaRose carrying cross in Jerusalem with Ghostdancer “Buttons” Shadley behind.)