February 17, 2015

February 17 water Creator Yahweh tells another story of a young man who is broken and paralyzed and how four of his friends decided they would take him to Jesus Yeshua. But the crowd was so great and dense that they couldn’t even get through the door to the place where Jesus was talking. That’s how I felt when I walked day after day below the Sacred Mountain. It seemed the crowd of liars in my mind was too great and I could not break through.

In Creator Yahweh’s story, these four brave men lifted their paralyzed brother up, stretcher and all, and broke through the thatched roof. Then they lowered him down to Jesus Yeshua. That’s what happened to me. Creator Yahweh sent a brave sister and her friend who carried me to Jesus. Through their help, I was able to stand and walk slowly into the way of faithfulness.

You may be a brave warrior or highly respected council member, but don’t let pride get in the way. There is a time to admit your brokenness and accept help, but take caution, warriors, accept only the help that comes through Creator Yahweh. Sometimes it comes in the strangest forms.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Mark 2:1-12. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at Restoration Celebration Powwow Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)

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