February 11, 2015

February 11 water Be alert warriors! We have a very real enemy who prowls around seeking opportunity to devour us. He comes to rob, steal, kill and destroy. Sometimes he’s after our dreams. Sometimes it’s our faith. Sometimes it’s our very lives. Always it begins in the heart.

This is a time to exercise true spiritual energy. First we choose to believe that Creator Yahweh is in control and that his ways are always good. This is what we call faith. Next we abide in his love through the power of his Holy Spirit and remember that he is greater than our hearts whenever our hearts deceive us.

These actions will help us remain steadfast and courageous in our walk with him when the ravenous wolves of worry and doubt threaten to undo us.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is 1 Peter 5:6-11. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at the Restoration Powwow, Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)

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