Warriors, we die daily. The world tells us we must find ourselves, that we must love ourselves before we can love others. But Creator Yahweh has first told us that we must love others. He has also said that unless a seed falls to the ground and dies it cannot bring forth new life.
Like that seed, we die to the old way of walking in darkness. We die to evil desires and selfish gain. We even die to many of our dreams, but like that seed that falls to the ground, we spring up in new life. Alive for the first time!
There are heavenly bodies of sun, moon, and stars, and there are earthly bodies of humans, animals and plants. All have their own glory. The sun is glorious in one way, the moon in another, and the stars even more distinctive. So it is with us. Our body that is sown is perishable and decays, but the body that Our Great Chief and Captain will raise is imperishable, immune to decay, and immortal! Sown in dishonor and humiliation; it is raised in honor and glory. Sown in weakness, raised in strength and power. Sown a natural body, raised a spiritual body. This is a blessed hope that keeps us walking the Beauty Way.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is 1 Corinthians 15:31-44. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Ghostdancer Shadley’s bustle, 2014)
Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley, 2014-2015) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.