Warriors, do you realize how valuable and precious is the love of our Great Chief and Captain? His love is dependable and steadfast and never wavering. The children of men take refuge beneath the shadow of his wings knowing he will provide every good thing for them. For even in sorrow and affliction, his love remains true. And even in the deepest pit he fills us with great hope for tomorrow.
Creator Yahweh is the fountain of life and it is in his light that we truly see light. This light is where hope is birthed. His loving-kindness covers all who know him, and his righteousness flows over the upright in heart. Don’t worry about those who do evil. They will one day fall and lie prostrate. They will be thrust down by the hand of Creator Yahweh and will never rise again.
But you, faithful warriors, will rise to sing the glory of our Great Chief and Captain. How can we do less than praise him now in the beauty of our dance?
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 36:7-12. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Cheryl Bear Barnetson at Wiconi Living Water Pow-Wow & Family Camp, 2014)
Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley, 2014-2015) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.