Listen up warriors at the wonder of your birth! Creator Yahweh saw you when you were yet an unformed substance, hidden in the secret place. It was there in that region of darkness and mystery that he intricately embroidered the colors of your uniqueness. It was then He called you by name and in his book he wrote all the days of your life before even one took shape.
Before the world began you were in his mind. When he spoke the heavens into existence you were in his thoughts. He chose you to be his child, to be holy and blameless in his sight. Dance before him warrior and celebrate his delight in you. Then offer him the sacrifice or a broken and contrite heart.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 139:15-16. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo of Ezra Twiss and friend by Sandy Cathcart at Wiconi Living Waters Pow-Wow & Family Camp, 2014)
Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley, 2014-2015) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.