Warriors, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees! In order to walk the Beauty Way we must also walk in the way of love, and this way is often rocky and steep. Danger waits at every bend.
Take courage and make level paths for your feet. Clear the path so that the lame and young ones will be able to find their way behind you. To do this you must work at getting along with each other and loving Creator Yahweh. Take the warm blanket of his generosity and let it fall over all our relatives and friends. Speak words of courage and strength to those of weak hearts. Let them know that Creator Yahweh will save them…and not a day too late.
Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame leap like a deer, and the tongue of the silent shall sing for joy. Falling waters shall break forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. Yahweh. Yahweh. Yahweh. His great love strengthens the weary soul.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Hebrews 12:12-13 and Isaiah 35:1-6. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Lee Sorrelhorse, Warms Springs, during Wiconi Family Camp & Powwow, 2009)
Want more! Eagle People Journal (a year’s worth of daily inspiration from Ghostdancer Shadley, 2014-2015) is now available at Amazon in both print and Kindle.