Warriors, before you offer the sweet smell of tobacco and sage, humble yourself before Creator Yahweh. Before you offer him the sacrifice of dancing your prayers, open your hearts before him. Let your hearts be broken with a river of sorrow because of the offenses we have committed against our Great Chief and Captain, for they are many. A broken and contrite heart he will not turn away.
Create in us a pure heart, O Creator Yahweh! Renew a steadfast spirit within our people and let us walk in the way of beauty. Do not cast our people away from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from us. Restore to us the joy of your salvation and renew a right spirit within our tribes and nations. Let our tongues sing of your righteousness. Open our lips to declare your glorious praise!
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 51:7-19. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart, Wiconi Powwow 2009)
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