Don’t forget, warriors, that there are many paths winding through a battle. Some paths lead to sorrow and destruction; other paths lead to heartache and ruin; some paths lead to the other side but at too great a cost. The path of prayer leads to victory where we either see the answer to the object of our prayers or faith fills our hearts with sight beyond what we see with our eyes.
This path of prayer is one of perseverance in intercession. We raise our petitions, and our hearts continue to cry out until Creator Yahweh gives us complete assurance . Then, and only then, it is okay to rest.
Someone has said, “Wait at God’s promise until he meets you there, for he always returns by the path of his promises.” This is a good word for warriors traveling the path of prayer, because often the paths of prayer and promise are one and the same. Follow the path of prayer until the promise is revealed.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Luke 18:1-8 & 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(photo by Sandy Cathcart of Wiconi Powwow, 2008)
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