Let us rejoice in following the statues and decrees of our Great Chief and Captain. For in these decrees is true freedom. Our enemy, that evil trickster, has sold us a lie, telling us we will be happier living a lawless life, but doing so will only lead us down the sorrow way. Many of our people have walked down that dark path to a place of no return. We believe the enemy’s lies and end up destroying our own existence. May this not be so!
Let us keep watch over ourselves that we continue to walk according to the Sacred Writings, conforming our lives to the beauty of walking in grace. Let us remind each other of these things and encourage one another to take heart! Our Great Chief and Captain has chosen us. We are a people loved by Creator Yahweh. If we follow h\Him, he will lead us into a path of restoration.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Ecclesiastes 1:1-11. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Wiconi Powwow, Salem, Oregon, 2013)
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