Warriors, I have discovered that when thick clouds veil the sun, it’s a good time to stop and wait for the blast of sunlight that will soon pour through a break in the clouds. It is then that you will hear the echo of Creator Yahweh’s voice as your fingers cling to the rock for support.
Let the hot wind of his breath fall over you and breathe courage into your soul. Close your eyes and allow the strengthening quivers to flow through muscle and tendon. With each pulse you will feel stronger, until at last you will stand as determined and full of faith as the shepherd boy, David, who was armed with nothing more than a slingshot and five small stones. While you are waiting for this break in the storm, take time to rest, warrior, for this rest is part of his plan.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Joshua 1:7-9. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at the Restoration Powwow, Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)