January 20, 2017

Warriors, our mission here on earth is also one that we share with the rest of the human race, but it is no less your individual mission, even though it is shared. The mission is this: to do what you can moment by moment, day by day, step by step to make the world a better place…following the leading and guidance of Creator Yahweh’s Spirit within you and around you.

At some point in our lives our mission may involve some grand mountaintop experience where we catch a glimpse of Creator Yahweh’s face and say to ourselves, “This is why I came into the world. I know it! I know it!”

But until that point our mission is here in the valley, in the fog and the little callings moment by moment, day by day. Our mission is to first exercise our stewardship faithfully, to bring more gratitude, kindness, forgiveness, honesty and life into the world, each day.

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Romans 13:8-10. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at the Restoration Powwow, Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)

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