A wise man, John Henry Jowett, once wrote, “Evil never surrenders its grasp without a tremendous fight.” This is something we spiritual warriors should never forget. The warriors of old knew this. They were not arrogant in their interpretation of … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2016
Let us straighten up, warriors, and set ourselves back on the beautiful way. If we repent, Creator Yahweh will restore us so that we may serve him. Forget the former things! Do not dwell on the past. Our Great Chief … Continue reading
There are many voices, warriors. Be careful which ones your ears take in. I’ve heard it said that we Natives should not believe in Jesus Yeshua, because in so doing we will give the white man the satisfaction of thinking … Continue reading
Warriors, come and see the beauty of our Great Chief and Captain! Is there any god like our God? Creator Yahweh set the stars in place. He breathed life into the dust of Earth and here we are! He called … Continue reading
It matters not warriors if we walk in the spirit realm and see great visions and dreams if we have not love for one another. The music of our songs is nothing but clanging cymbals if we do not regard … Continue reading
Warriors let us turn our eyes from worthless things. Let us turn instead to Creator Yahweh asking him to teach us and give us understanding that we may obey his commands with all our hearts. Let us walk in the … Continue reading
Strong warriors know the truth of serving one another in love. It takes great strength to honor others above ourselves. This love comes not from something we conjure up through great thought or desire; it comes from Holy Spirit power … Continue reading
Let us chose the way of truth warriors! Let us hold fast to the decrees of our Great Chief and Captain, and we will not be put to shame. Creator Yahweh will strengthen those who are weary with sorrow, those … Continue reading
Are you troubled warriors? Is it impossible for you to grab hold of peace? Then climb the Sacred Mountain, whether in body or in spirit, and remember the promises of our Great Chief and Captain. He is our salvation! He … Continue reading
Lift up your voices warriors. Let us cry out to our Great Chief and Captain! He will rebuke those who have come against us without cause. He will restore the broken walls. Beneath his great wings, he will gather all … Continue reading