Take heed warriors! Creator Yahweh will not at this time slay our enemies completely lest we as a people forget the great things he has done for us. Our enemies will be trapped and taken in their pride for the … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2016
Watch and give heed warriors! Creator Yahweh is your strength and your shield. Dance your praises before him for his great mercy and steadfast love. He is our Great Chief, our defense and protector. He is a strong tower from … Continue reading
Warriors, there are ravenous wolves who lie in wait for your life. They are fierce and mighty men who band together against you, not for any sin you have embraced or fault that you have committed against them, but because … Continue reading
Creator Yahweh will not turn away a broken and contrite heart. Take care and be on guard for yourselves and the whole tribe over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as a minister and guardian. Look after the young … Continue reading
Has the way grown dark before you warriors? Do you feel yourself sinking into depression? Are the present circumstances that Creator Yahweh has allowed in your life dropping you into despair? Then it is time to stop, cease all work … Continue reading
Yes warriors, we are often misunderstood, even regarded as imposters, especially for our faith in Creator Yahweh. Yet we continue to carry the light of heaven in our souls. Creator Yahweh lives and walks among our people. He is our … Continue reading
Warriors, what is on your mind? Words hold the power of life and death, not only spoken, but also written; not only written but also as thoughts. The enemy of our souls tries to rob us of good thoughts, filling … Continue reading
Do not lose heart, warriors. Yes, death is working its way through our bodies, sometimes through sickness or injury, sometimes in destroying our hopes and dreams, sometimes in broken relationships. But life is also at work, restoring our souls and … Continue reading
Warrior, do you know Creator Yahweh? Are you aware of his presence as something…someone…totally other? He is bigger, brighter, more all-encompassing than you can imagine. We live and move and dance and become in him. He is both in me … Continue reading
Warriors. Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain, and a path for the thunderstorm, to water a land where no man lives, a desert with no one in it, to satisfy a desolate wasteland and make it sprout … Continue reading