Warriors, we were once children of darkness. Now we are children of light. So let us cast off the ways of darkness and walk as children of Light. Let us be warriors who fight against evil and are Native-born to … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2015
Warriors, it is important that we make it our goal to be imitators of our Great Chief and Captain. Not as clones who have no choice, but as those who have been chosen as dearly loved children. We are a … Continue reading
Warriors, do not forget that it is Creator Yahweh who has created us. He formed us while we were yet in the womb. It is he who tells us that he has redeemed us. He has called us by name! … Continue reading
Warriors, because we are a spiritual people it is important that we take care of our souls. When we began to walk the Jesus Way we were taught to put off our old self with its deceitful and corrupted desires. … Continue reading
Warriors, walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have received. Creator Yahweh has designed us to live in unity as one body and one Spirit, just as we have been called into one hope and one bond of … Continue reading
Warriors, do you want to claim all the fullness of Creator Yahweh’s promises? Do you long to see all the possibilities come to pass? Light the sage and let its pleasing aroma fall over your body, cleansing you from head … Continue reading
There was a time, warriors, when we were dead to Spirit power. This is the way we formerly walked on a path that appeared to be smooth but led only into darkness. We were tricked by the ruler of the … Continue reading
Warriors, when was the last time you caught a glimpse of the Spiritual realm? Have you climbed the Sacred Mountain, whether in Spirit or in body, and sat at the feet of your Great Chief and Captain? Have you tasted … Continue reading
Warriors, are you broken and battle weary? Do not forget that we are a spiritual people. We need the power of stillness to feed our souls. Creator Yahweh has made us this way, so that we will spend time to … Continue reading
Warriors let us ascribe justice to Creator Yahweh, our Maker! He is wooing us from the jaws of distress to a spacious, far-seeing place, to the comfort of a table laden with choice food. This is one of the promises … Continue reading