Warrior, fix your thoughts on Creator Yahweh. He is completely holy and shines brighter than the Sacred Mountain. His great light brings life to those who live in deep darkness. He was faithful to the One who appointed him, even … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2015
Taamtgi, warrior, “be still.” Creator Yahweh’s righteousness covers you. Rest and read the Sacred Writings until his whispered voice washes through your mind and sinks deep into your heart, birthing hope where despair has taken hold. This battle you face … Continue reading
Eagle People, while still in your secret place on the Sacred Mountain (whether physical or in the Spirit) take a few moments to remember this one we call Creator Yahweh. Feel his sweet touch in the gentle breezes caressing each … Continue reading
Warrior, remember those earlier days after you received the Light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. You felt strong then, invincible. You knew Spirit power was enough. You could face any enemy, … Continue reading
Every warrior has a creed he or she stands upon. There is something we are fighting for and something we are fighting against. Freedom is something worth fighting for. We can free our relatives and the ones we love from … Continue reading
As spiritual warriors we stand upon the creed of the cross, and we hold unswervingly to the hope we profess. For Creator Yahweh has given us many promises, and he is forever faithful, even when we are faithless. Warriors, in … Continue reading
Remember warrior that faith is the tool that no hand, but Creator Yahweh’s can hold for long. Lay your tiny faith in his mighty hand and watch as he builds something strong, useful and beautiful. Enter the Most Holy Place … Continue reading
Warriors, there is power in silence. When you are in your secret place (as we talked about yesterday), let silence stretch long until you center and once again regain your foundation. This is the power of rebuilding, with no tool … Continue reading
Warriors, be careful to not steal tomorrow from the hands of Creator Yahweh. Surely you have learned by now that he is never late. Every great warrior needs time to prepare themselves for battle. Are your hands prepared for war? … Continue reading
Evil people will come against you, warriors, but it is not the person who is truly your enemy, it is the evil one, that evil trickster, in the spiritual realm that is out to get you. He has no power … Continue reading