Warriors, let us return to Creator Yahweh. Do not let your love and kindness waver as the night mist or the dew that goes early away. Let us honor our Great Chief and Captain with a steadfast goodness and love … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2015
Strengthen your courage, warriors! Our troubles and sorrows are also temporary and fading away. There is a greater beauty, a greater splendor, a greater glory that awaits us. Time is short and our troubles are as nothing in comparison with … Continue reading
Dear warrior, what is on your mind? Words hold the power of life and death, not only spoken, but also written; not only written but also as thoughts. The enemy of our souls tries to rob us of good thoughts, … Continue reading
Do not lose heart, warrior. Yes, death is working its way through our bodies, sometimes through sickness or injury, sometimes in destroying our hopes and dreams, sometimes in broken relationships. But life is also at work, restoring our souls and … Continue reading
Warriors, it is possible that Creator Yahweh has allowed you to be chastened severely. If this is so, he will not give you over to death for he has conquered death, so that even if decay touches your body, it … Continue reading
Yes warriors, we are often misunderstood, even regarded as imposters, especially for our faith in Creator Yahweh. Yet we continue to carry the light of heaven in our souls. Creator Yahweh lives and walks among our people. He is our … Continue reading
Yes, warriors, we are sometimes sorrowful on this earthly journey, but don’t allow your sorrow to cause you to become partners with those who reject Creator Yahweh. For even when our bodies walk the Sorrow Way, our souls rejoice! We … Continue reading
Are you still weary, warrior? Does sorrow still rule your soul? Listen. A Native drum beats a tune older than the earth. Do you hear it? Listen again, tune your ears to the sounds of the earth. Listen to coyote’s … Continue reading
Warrior, do you know Creator Yahweh? Are you aware of his presence as something…someone…totally other? He is bigger, brighter, more all encompassing than you can imagine. We live and move and dance and become in him. He is both in … Continue reading
Are you walking in the center of trouble? Take heart, warrior, Creator Yahweh is there! He is the one who saw you when your body was still unformed in your mother’s womb. He called you by a special name even … Continue reading