July 28, 2015

July 28 water Warriors, there is much to be said in Creator Yahweh’s behalf. He has searched our hearts and considered our every thought. He knows when we sit beside still waters with bowed heads and when we soar on the heights with eagles. He searches our paths before and behind, knowing when we walk in beauty and when we walk in sorrow because of wrong choices. He knows the rain falls on the just and unjust alike and his compassion reaches out to fill our empty spaces.

He is acquainted with our grief and all our ways and has given us unique gifts with which to honor him. He knows when we hoard these gifts for ourselves and when we give generously. Before you speak one word, he knows it. He knows every choice you make and every choice you might have made. He has hidden you in the shadow of his wings and laid his hand upon you.

He is your shield on the right and your buckler on the left. Such a One as this, Creator Yahweh, is above and beyond our scope of understanding. We cannot comprehend how his thoughts hold us together or how we live and move and have our being in him while at the same time being filled with him. This One is not a man. This One is Spirit. Our Great Chief and Captain. Yet he became a man and opened the way for us to know him even as he knows us. Will you trust this One? Will you give him honor by turning to him each morning and bowing before him each night?

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 139:1-6. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Wiconi Living Waters Pow-Wow & Family Camp, 2014)

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