We are a people of grace! Our words should also be seasoned with grace. Who can you encourage on this day? Who have you torn down with words of death? Ask forgiveness. Speak words of love. Think on that which … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: June 2015
Love is often expressed in the words we speak. Are words of life coming out of our mouths? Are words of encouragement flowing among our people? Are we building one another up and thinking of others better than ourselves? Are … Continue reading
Warriors, stop! You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? Creator Yahweh has given us two commands: to love him and to love others as we love ourselves. Are we … Continue reading
Trust in Creator Yahweh at all times, oh my people. Get close to the earth and wait for him in silence. Pour out your hearts to him, for he is our refuge and strength. He is the rock that stands … Continue reading
Find rest my people, in Creator Yahweh alone. Your salvation comes only from him. He alone is your rock and your salvation; he is your fortress. If you trust in him, you will never be shaken. When you feel as … Continue reading
Take heed warriors! Creator Yahweh will not at this time slay our enemies completely lest we as a people forget the great things he has done for us. Our enemies will be trapped and taken in their pride for the … Continue reading
Watch and give heed warriors! Creator Yahweh is your strength and your shield. Dance your praises before him for his great mercy and steadfast love. He is our Great Chief, our defense and protector. He is a strong tower from … Continue reading
Warriors, there are ravenous wolves who lie in wait for your life. They are fierce and mighty spirits who band together against you, not for any sin you have embraced or fault that you have committed against them, but because … Continue reading