May 11, 2015

May 11 water Are you in trouble warrior? Cry aloud to Creator Yahweh. He will hear you and have mercy upon you and be gracious. Seek his face with all your heart and he will not hide his face from you. He will not forsake you, even if your father and mother forsake you and all your aunties and uncles. He will never cast you off for he is the God of your salvation.

In the day of trouble Creator Yahweh will hide you in his shelter. In the secret place of his tent he will hide you. He will set your feet high upon a rock. He will lift up your head above your enemies round about. And in his tent you will offer shouts of joy. You will sing, oh yes, you will sing!

Eagle People … Today’s reading is Psalm 27:5-10. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”

(Photo by Sandy Cathcart from Wiconi Powwow 2009)

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