Dear warrior, what is on your mind? Words hold the power of life and death, not only spoken, but also written; not only written but also as thoughts. The enemy of our souls tries to rob us of good thoughts, filling our minds with words of death. Get close to the earth, sit in silence, open the Sacred Writings and let Holy Spirit speak words of life. Think of the goodness of Creator Yahweh. Think on what is true.
As the morning sun rises and pours new hope into our souls, think about Creator Yahweh’s love for you. As the sun continues its walk across the sky and pours its warmth into every living thing, think about Jesus Yeshua and how he poured his life out for you. When the sun heads to its resting place in the west and you gather with your loved ones, think about how Creator Yahweh carried you through another day. When the sun disappears from the heavens and you stare at the star-filled sky, think about Creator Yahweh and how the splendor of his creation speaks truth day after day, night after night. There is no tongue or language where his voice is not heard.
All the glory and splendor you see in this world is temporary and fading away, but the love of Creator Yahweh endures forever.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Philippians 4:8. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart of Marcus Scott Gibbons, Wiconi Powwow 2008)