Warriors, there is power in silence. When you are in your secret place (as we talked about yesterday), let silence stretch long until you center and once again regain your foundation. This is the power of rebuilding, with no tool in hand, but with fingers spread and palms open, as the rubble falls away at Creator Yahweh’s command. Then you will see a clear foundation on which to build.
This foundation is the heart and center of who you are. This is the foundation that cannot be shaken. This is the foundation built on Creator Yahweh’s sacrifice and by which we are being made holy. When all else that can be shaken is shaken, Christ remains.
Think on this when you are in your secret place. Let your heart be encouraged by the work that has already been done for you, spoken when the worlds were set into place by Creator Yahweh’s commands. Catch this vision before you catch any other. There is power in silence as you wait for Creator Yahweh. His silence may be long, but it is never late.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Hebrews 10:11-18. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo by Sandy Cathcart at the Restoration Celebration Powwow, Chiloquin, Oregon, 2014)