Warriors, it is time to break up the barren ground! Let us sow for ourselves righteousness that comes through the blood of Jesus Yeshua. Then we will reap the fruit of unfailing love. It is time to seek Creator Yahweh. … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
Warriors, I pray that Creator Yahweh will answer you in the day of trouble! May our Great Chief and Captain set you in a spacious place and defend you from all your enemies. May he send you help from the … Continue reading
The Heavens declare the glory of Creator Yahweh; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech. There is no tongue or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes into all … Continue reading
Sometimes, warriors, Creator Yahweh seems very far away. We cry out in the daytime, yet he answers not and seems to have forsaken us. We groan throughout the night yet he remains silent. It is times like these we must … Continue reading
Be alert warriors and stand your guard. Act like the strong warriors you are and be courageous! Let everything be done in the true love of Creator Yahweh, love him first and love others through his love for you. Stand … Continue reading
Warriors, we are called to warfare, but do not mistake your enemy! We do not fight against flesh and blood. Be careful to not strike out against your brothers and sisters. Our fight is against the powers and master spirits … Continue reading
Stand firm warriors! Let nothing move you. Serve your Great Chief and Captain with your whole heart and ability. Whatever you know he has placed on your heart, do it. When he speaks to you in dreams and visions of … Continue reading
I tell you a great mystery, warriors, we shall not all fall asleep in death. We shall be transformed! In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye! The perishable part of us will put on the imperishable and the … Continue reading
Arise and shine warriors! Your light has come! And the glory of Creator Yahweh shines upon you. You have been depressed under a thick darkness that has covered our people, but the Light of our Great Chief and Captain is … Continue reading
Warriors, the Sacred Writings teach us that the first man was formed out of the earth. He was made of dust and represents all who follow after and are earthly minded. The Second Man is from heaven, Jesus Yeshua. We … Continue reading