Warriors, we have long known the difference between right and wrong. We feel good about ourselves when we do what is right, yet when we do something wrong we tend to make excuses. We compare ourselves with someone else who … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
Know this, warriors! Creator Yahweh is The Everlasting God and he will never grow faint or weary. No one can fathom or search out his understanding. It is beyond us. Yet, he gives power to the faint and strength to … Continue reading
Do you not know, warriors? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Didn’t our ancestors tell us that Creator formed the earth? Creator Yahweh sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its … Continue reading
Our people have seen many witnesses who have maligned and blasphemed the name of Creator Yahweh. They have burdened our people with laws and decrees that never came from the mouth of our Great Chief and Captain. They have tried … Continue reading
Warriors, may it never be said of us that we did not see fit to acknowledge Creator Yahweh or approve of Him or consider Him worth the knowing! When people reach this base state, Our Great Chief and Captain gives … Continue reading
It is good to honor Creator’s creation. To respect beauty and cleanse the land, but be careful warriors. It is also important to give honor and glory to our Great Chief and Captain above all. We must be careful to … Continue reading
Our people have always known that Creator existed. Our ancestors saw his evidence in the wind carrying his life-giving breath. They numbered their days and found direction by the stars in the sky and the rocks on the earth. They … Continue reading
Warriors, you can trust all laws of our Great Chief and Captain. His laws are perfect, reviving the soul. His statutes are trustworthy making wise the simple. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun. Every day … Continue reading
Warriors, let us pray for one another. Let us keep asking our Great Chief and Captain to give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we can know him better. Let us also pray that the eyes of … Continue reading
We have all known the dark hour of the soul when Jesus Yeshua seems very far away, especially when he has allowed something precious to be taken away from us. But know this warriors, he is faithful and trustworthy and … Continue reading