Yahweh’s love endures forever, and he does not abandon the works of his hands. He knows our frame that we are but dust; he knows what thoughts dwell inside each of us; how far short our thoughts fall of his … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
Sometimes the path seems long, too long, as we make our way toward the Sacred Mountain, and we may grow weary and give up if it weren’t for the fact that Yahweh is the One who leads us, and Yahweh … Continue reading
Be careful, child, that no one entices you with the object of your dreams, for the promise of power may turn you aside from walking in beauty. Seek Yahweh before all else. Let him be the object of your dreams. … Continue reading
If one lives long enough they will see the shifting shadows that darken Yahweh’s smile. Often we put those shadows there by not taking God at his word. We keep asking for life’s difficulties to be taken away when he … Continue reading
Be alert! Dear child, we have a very real enemy who prowls around seeking opportunity to devour us. He comes to rob, steal, kill and destroy. Sometimes he’s after our dreams. Sometimes it’s our faith. Sometimes it’s our very lives. … Continue reading
There is a time when we must confess our betrayal—telling the truth to the One who already knows it all. This is the act of our betrayal—the thoughts that are less than pleasing to Yahweh; the actions that speak of … Continue reading
Child, do you know how important it is to take time each day to be still before Yahweh? Pray. Read the Sacred Scriptures, and then close your eyes and let him work the healing process. Offer every part of your … Continue reading
Dear child, have you considered how great is Yahweh? He is beyond our understanding, yet closer than a blood brother. He calls us by our secret name that only He knows. Yahweh has journeyed to the springs of the sea … Continue reading
Do you find yourself in a world of gray asphalt and concrete, where people come and go without notice of the scent of green on the wind? Neither do they take heed of the gift of warmth from the sun … Continue reading
In 2009 the VA called and just so matter of fact over a phone simply said, “You have Hodgkin’s.” I can’t explain the shock. But after a million things ran through my head, I began to tell my wife that … Continue reading