Even warriors shed tears. And when they do, they often feel as helpless as a deer caught in the headlamps of a vehicle. Tears are a foreign thing. When you shed tears, let yourself go. Place your life completely in … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
Do you need to silence the mouths of liars? Then, earnestly seek Yahweh. Long for him as one who is crossing a hot desert where there is no water. Let your soul thirst for him. Get close to the earth … Continue reading
Are you confident in what you hope for, child? If not, perhaps you are hoping for the wrong thing. Or perhaps your confidence is in the wrong thing. Our confidence is best found in Yahweh, believing that if we had … Continue reading
Straighten up, child, and set yourself back on the beautiful way. If you repent, Yahweh will restore you so that you may serve him. Forget the former things! Do not dwell on the past. Yahweh is doing a new thing! … Continue reading
Who let the wild donkey go free? Who untied his ropes? Yahweh gave him the vast wastelands as his home. He roams the earth free from restraint. He laughs at the commotion in the town; he does not heed or … Continue reading
Praise Yahweh with all of your heart! Stand beneath the night sky with your arms lifted to heaven and sing his praise. Bow down to the earth and savor his sweetness. Dance your prayers before him. For his love and … Continue reading
Child, have you considered what it means to have faith? Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It has long been easy for us to believe by faith that … Continue reading
There are many voices, child. Be careful which ones your ears take in. I’ve heard it said that we Natives should not believe in Jesus, because in so doing we will give the white man the satisfaction of thinking he … Continue reading
Have you lost sight of the goal, child? Has the enemy of our souls convinced you that such a prize is unreachable? Cha-aat! Tell him to stand back! All you need is one glimpse of Yahweh’s face. He rides on … Continue reading
Make the Most High your dwelling. Let Yahweh be your refuge. Because you love Yahweh, he will rescue you. Because you acknowledge his name, he will protect you from the second death, the true enemy of our souls. Call upon … Continue reading