Child, I know that you face many troubles in this land. Creator Yahweh told us this would happen for as long as we walk in the world. But he also promised that he would give us strength to break through … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. Anger can never make things right in Yahweh’s sight. So get rid of all the anger and moral filth in your lives, and … Continue reading
Warriors, work at loving one another. Do not let even a hint of bitterness take root in your heart. Take every unkind thought to Creator Yahweh, who knows the thoughts of all humans. Receive his gift of soul sight and … Continue reading
Ask now about the ancient days, long before your time, when Creator Yahweh created humankind on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like … Continue reading
“I will sing of the love of Yahweh forever; with my songs I will make His faithfulness known to all my children. I will declare that His love stands firm forever. His faithfulness is established and unshakable.” The heavens praise … Continue reading
Child, fix your thoughts on Creator Yahweh. He is completely holy and shines brighter than the Sacred Mountain. His great light brings life to those who live in deep darkness. He was faithful to the One who appointed him, even … Continue reading
Taamtgi, child, “be still.” Creator Yahweh’s righteousness covers you. Rest and read the Sacred Writings until his whispered voice washes through your mind and sinks deep into your heart, birthing hope where despair has taken hold. This battle you face … Continue reading
Eagle People, while still in your secret place on the Sacred Mountain (whether physical or imagined) take a few moments to remember this one we call Creator Yahweh. Feel his sweet touch in the gentle breezes caressing each blade of … Continue reading
Child, remember those earlier days after you received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. You felt strong then, invincible. You knew Spirit power was enough. You could face any enemy, … Continue reading
Every warrior has a creed he stands upon. There is something he is fighting for and something he is fighting against. Freedom is something worth fighting for. We can free our relatives and the ones we love from the power … Continue reading