Stand firm warriors! Keep walking the Beauty Way! Do not turn aside from hearing the truth or wander off into myths and man-made fictions. Do not chase mirages. Your Chief and Captain, Creator Yahweh, gives orders to the morning and … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
Are you thirsty child? Come to the streams of mercy at the feet of Creator Yahweh where the fountain of blessing never ceases. Drink and be filled and never thirst again. Yeshua sought you when you were far away, while … Continue reading
Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain, and a path for the thunderstorm, to water a land where no man lives, a desert with no one in it, to satisfy a desolate wasteland and make it sprout with … Continue reading
Creator Yahweh designed you for a purpose that will soon come about. Honor Him and walk in his ways, for he is bringing you into a good land—a land whose streams team with fish and pools of sweet water, with … Continue reading
No matter how far you go, dear child, no matter how deep the wrong. Whether the sun hangs high in the sky or deep blackness hides the light. Whether your heart is hard as cold winter ice or soft as … Continue reading
Keep alert warriors! It is time to pick up our spears and flaming arrows. These flaming arrows are our prayers at all times and on every occasion and in every season in the Spirit. Pray and keep alert and watch … Continue reading
Warriors, when your breastplate is in place, tighten your belt of Truth, which Creator Yahweh has given you through his Sacred Writings. Shod your feet with fine moccasins in preparation to face the enemy. Stand against the wicked one with … Continue reading
Hear me well, warriors. Our people have been oppressed far too long. The war cry has sounded! But we do not strike the battle cry against flesh and blood as we have done in the past. No! This is a … Continue reading
Keep Creator Yahweh’s decrees and commands, written in the Sacred Writings (Bible), so that it may go well with you and your children for many generations and that you may live long in the land Creator Yahweh your God gives … Continue reading
If Creator Yahweh came back today, would you see Him standing before you? When you lay on your bed at night, do you recognize his voice when he whispers in your ear? Or is your mind too busy, thinking about … Continue reading