Yes, warriors, we are sometimes sorrowful on this earthly journey, but don’t allow your sorrow to cause you to become partners with those who reject Creator Yahweh. For even when our bodies walk the Sorrow Way, our souls rejoice! We … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
Are you still weary, child? Does sorrow still rule your soul? Listen. A Native drum beats a tune older than the earth. Do you hear it? Listen again, tune your ears to the sounds of the earth. Listen to coyote’s … Continue reading
Long ago I had heard of Creator Yahweh, but not known the truth of him. No one can know the truth of him. Truth is as much a part of his being as soul and spirit are a part of … Continue reading
Child, do you know Creator Yahweh? Are you aware of his presence as something…someone…totally other? He is bigger, brighter, more all-encompassing than you can imagine. We live and move and dance and become in him. He is both in me … Continue reading
Are you walking in the center of trouble? Take heart, child, Creator Yahweh is there! He is the one who saw you when your body was still unformed in your mother’s womb. He called you by a special name even … Continue reading
Warriors, is the way before you blocked? Are you hemmed in on every side? Stand firm. It is time to listen for Creator Yahweh’s voice. Do not move until he reveals the way before you. Do not listen to raven … Continue reading
Join with the thousands upon thousands of flaming tongues that sing Creator Yahweh’s praise! Our Creator has also become our Redeemer. He has bought us with his precious blood. There is no greater sacrifice than this. Honor him with your … Continue reading
You have died with Christ to the claims of the spiritual forces of this world, so do not live as if you still belong to the dark path. Encourage your heart with words of truth so you will not become … Continue reading
Warriors, stop! Pull up your shield of faith. Evil lurks along the path, waiting to devour you. This is the enemy who often disguises himself as beauty. He wants to declare you unfit and unworthy of the prize Creator Yahweh … Continue reading
Standing firm will be difficult, warriors, impossible without the strength Creator Yahweh gives, because many brothers and sisters will turn aside and not tolerate sacred instruction. Instead, they will chase after teachers and healers who satisfy the desires of their … Continue reading