Take heart warriors! Do not become weary in well doing for at just the right time you will reap a bountiful harvest. Creator Yahweh has filled us with Spirit power and he hears our prayers. He can make the crooked … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
Warriors do you want to make a difference in this world? Keep walking the beauty way. Do what is right. Never return evil for evil. Don’t scold or berate others. Instead, pray for those who anger and insult you. Pray … Continue reading
Let us live as free people! As servants of Creator Yahweh. For it is his will and intention that by doing right we will silence the ignorant charges and ill-informed criticisms of foolish persons. So let us show honor and … Continue reading
Warriors, let us be eagle people! People who soar above the cares and concerns of the ordinary and wage battle in the spiritual world. May our vision remain sharp and clean and let us crave pure spiritual milk from the … Continue reading
Warriors it is time to grow in our salvation and training by soaking ourselves in the water of the Sacred Writings and ridding ourselves of everything that divides—depravity, deceit, insincerity, pretense, hypocrisy, grudges, envy, jealousy, slander and speaking evil about … Continue reading
Warriors be alert! Prepare your hearts and minds for action. The enemy attacks in many different ways. Do not allow yourself to be dragged back into those evil desires in which you used to walk. Those things have pleasure for … Continue reading
Creator Yahweh does not train his warriors in tents of ease and luxury. Do not be surprised if you find yourself crawling through muddy paths or across long desert trails that stretch far into the distance. Stark mountain paths are … Continue reading
Look up warriors! Your redemption is drawing near. Whether it arrives in one hour or one year or a lifetime, it will not be a day late. Your eyes will see the Great Chief in his beauty and view a … Continue reading
Warriors, do not neglect the Sacred Writings for they contain life for your soul! The Bible is Creator Yahweh’s living words to you personally. It is also good for direction, correction, and protection and much more. It is the bow … Continue reading
Who is like Creator Yahweh? His voice thunders and the people flee. When he rises, the nations scatter. Who of us can dwell with such a consuming fire? Except for his great love poured out through Jesus Yeshua on the … Continue reading