Warriors, have you noticed the birds of the air? Eagle soars on the heights becoming one with the wind. The storms of life do not bother him. Osprey flies thousands of miles at just the right time, knowing full well … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
Know this, warriors, your heart will tell you where your treasure is. It is where your mind strays when you are all alone. Most often it will stray to the things you’ve seen with your eyes. The eye is the … Continue reading
Warriors, do not put so much stock on earthly treasure. Do not fight over land or money or bloodlines. These things will all pass away. We have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Yeshua. We belong … Continue reading
Beat the drum and lift up praise to Creator Yahweh. He is our Rock and firm Strength. He teaches our hands to war and our fingers to fight all things that are evil. He is our Steadfast Love, our Fortress, … Continue reading
Creator Yahweh’s thoughts hold all things together. They outnumber the grains of all the world’s sand. If he stopped thinking of you for one moment you would cease to exist. This is our Creator, the One who is aware of … Continue reading
Listen up warriors at the wonder of your birth! Creator Yahweh saw you when you were yet an unformed substance, hidden in the secret place. It was there in that region of darkness and mystery that he intricately embroidered the … Continue reading
If I rise on the wings of the morning and touch Creator Yahweh with my prayer, He is there. If I settle on the far side of the sea far from the land of my grandfathers, He is there. If … Continue reading
Warriors, there is much to be said in Creator Yahweh’s behalf. He has searched our hearts and considered our every thought. He knows when we sit beside still waters with bowed heads and when we soar on the heights with … Continue reading
Warriors equip yourself for every good work by continuing to hold to the good things you have learned from the Sacred Writings. In this way you will gain the instruction and understanding needed to grow your faith. This faith will … Continue reading
Be careful warriors. Don’t be as one who will listen to anybody who will teach you. Pick your teachers wisely, making sure what they are teaching is in line with the Sacred Writings. Many speak with partial truth, even our … Continue reading