I am writing to you, young warriors, because for Creator Yahweh’s name’s sake your sins and wrong-doing have been forgiven and pardoned. I am writing to you mothers and fathers, because you have come to recognize and be aware of … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
Know this warriors, the darkness is clearing away and true Light is being revealed. But be careful. Whoever claims to walk in the light yet hates a fellow warrior is still walking in darkness. Whoever loves a fellow warrior is … Continue reading
Fellow warriors, I have been writing to you about not walking in darkness so that we may not violate Creator Yahweh’s commands. But if anyone does violate his commands, there is still hope! Jesus Yeshua will intercede and advocate for … Continue reading
Be careful warriors, if we say we have done no wrong, then we delude ourselves and lead ourselves astray and the Truth does not live in our hearts. But if we freely admit that we have sinned and confess our … Continue reading
Listen warriors, this is the message and promise our ancestors have heard from the beginning: Creator Yahweh is Light, and in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to be faithful warriors of our Great Chief in … Continue reading
Do you want a life of joy warriors! Then make it your ambition to love Creator Yahweh with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Climb the Sacred Mountain (whether in Spirit or in the body) and discover Creator in … Continue reading
Creator Yahweh has instructed you, warriors, on how to walk in Beauty. Now I urge you to do so more and more. It is Creator’s will that you should be holy; that you should avoid sexual immorality and that you … Continue reading
We are Spirit people! Because of the blood of Jesus Yeshua we can stand before Creator Yahweh completely clean and accepted. Not for anything we do, but because the law of the Spirit of life has freed us from the … Continue reading
Take note warriors, we who are strong ought to bear with the failings of our weak relatives and not just seek to please ourselves. Let us make it our goal to bring happiness to our neighbors for their good and … Continue reading
Be careful warriors, to welcome all your weaker brothers and sisters and cousins who love Creator Yahweh. Do not criticize their opinions, or pass judgment on their choices or perplex them with religious discussions. Such things are not part of … Continue reading