Warriors, you belong to Creator Yahweh! Because of this you have already overcome the spirits sent out by the trickster. Don’t let anyone take you back into slavery and don’t be led astray by the evil one. The Spirit who … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
We live by Spirit power and have long lived with one foot in both worlds. But warriors, do not believe every spirit. Test the spirits to see whether they are from Creator Yahweh or not. This is how you can … Continue reading
Warriors, long ago our people walked in darkness as did all the people of the earth, but now we have seen a great light. This great light of Jesus Yeshua has even dawned upon the dead. That is why we … Continue reading
Warriors, since our hearts do not condemn us (because Creator Yahweh is greater than our hearts and he knows everything) then we have confidence and complete boldness before our great Chief and Captain and we know we will receive from … Continue reading
Warriors, let us not love with words only, but in action and in truth. Do not make it your aim to love yourself. Make it your aim to love Creator Yahweh with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Then … Continue reading
Warriors, this is the message you have heard from the beginning. We should love one another. You know that we have always been a giving people, sharing with any who are in need. Sharing possessions is a good way to … Continue reading
What incredible love Creator Yahweh has lavished on us! That we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! Beloved warriors, the reason the world does not recognize us is because it did not recognize Jesus … Continue reading
Remain in Spirit power, warriors, and when Creator Yahweh is made visible you will not shrink back. You will enjoy perfect confidence and not shrink back or be ashamed at his coming, because you know that you have been bought … Continue reading
Be careful warriors! There are many who would try to deceive you and lead you astray. But you have a sacred appointment received from Creator Yahweh’s Holy Spirit that abides in you forever. So, you have no need for anyone … Continue reading
Know this warriors, this is the last hour. We are coming quickly to the end of the age. Many will fall away from our number and abandon the faith and follow those who claim to be in the Light but … Continue reading