Sons and daughters, do not steal tomorrow from the hands of Creator Yahweh. Surely you have learned by now that he is never late. Every great warrior must prepare themselves for battle. Are your hands prepared for war? Is your heart?
Let us prepare the heart first. It is good to take time for a vision quest, finding a place to be alone with Yahweh, somewhere close to the earth and free of human noise and interference. Perhaps you have a sacred mountain nearby where you can do this, but if it is impossible for you to get to such a place, any place is sacred if Yahweh is invited into it. We live and move and have our being in him. The place is simply for us to become aware of his presence.
For the next few days I will share with you things you can do while upon the mountain (whether that mountain is a quiet place in your home or a lofty peak) to prepare your heart for war. Yes. We are in a war, where the stakes are life and death. Today it is enough for you to think about where your special place will be and to remember that your life is in the hands of Yahweh who also holds the future.
Creator Yahweh is not silent as some count as silence. His silence is the power of stillness. Wait for him. His timing is always perfect.
Eagle People … Today’s reading is Hebrews 10:1-10. Pleya gi “Go with Blessings.”
(Photo taken by Sandy Cathcart is of Sacred Writings (Sword of the Spirit), beaded moccasins (Feet shod with Gospel of Truth), eagle feather and sage (representing prayers going up and cleansing.)