Perhaps you are wondering why this old Indian is so big on the Sacred Writings? It is because I lived many years loving Yahweh but never quite understanding the concept of salvation. I would climb Cheelaqsdi, the Sacred Mountain where we did our vision quests. I would meet with Yahweh, the living God, in that place where thousands upon thousands of angels were in joyful assembly. But then I would climb down the mountain and face the journey in my own strength. It was as if since I’m Native American, I just kept Yahweh upon the Sacred Mountain, only calling for him in times of crisis. While in my babe-in-Christ mode, he covered me, but he expects us to get off the milk sop and mature. In my case, it took quite a few years, but finally, through reading the Sacred Writings, I began to grow stronger and kept Yahweh with me, not just upon the Sacred Mountain, but also down in the valley where I took my day-by-day steps. …Eagle People … Today’s reading is Romans 8:12-17 Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”