Yahweh seeks “eagle people,” people who learn to walk alone with him; people who no longer depend on the continual help and faith of others. This is what I have learned from Lettie Cowman, the author of Streams in the Desert. Relationship is necessary; inspiration is necessary; the wisdom of others is necessary; assistance is often necessary. We must not completely isolate ourselves from our brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and elders, but our souls yearn to be alone with Yahweh. We must trust him in times of isolation, even seek those times when we soar alone with him. It is in these alone times that he does a new work within our souls and we learn to soar in loftier air. Vision quests are about being alone. They are times we set aside the regular cares of this world and seek an audience with Yahweh, but eagle people need more. Eagle people dare to find times alone where they can hear his whisper in the midst of daily life. Pleya gi. “Go with Blessings.”